Nira Resort
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Summer experiences with alpacas and llamas in Valdidentro

Valdidentro is a summer resort popular for its majestic mountains and scenic trails which offer wonderful outdoor opportunities and amazing experiences with alpaca and llama.

Located in the heart of the Italian Alps, Valdidentro is the ideal summer destination for lovers of nature and outdoor adventures. In addition to the breathtaking scenery, you can experience the unique thrill of a walk through the wonders of the Stelvio National Park and Alta Valtellina, in contact with some truly fascinating animals: the alpacas and llamas of our Alpaca's Farm!

Summer walks with Alpaca and Lama in the Stelvio National Park

Guided hikes in the company of these sweet animals will be a real treat during your holiday in Valdidentro! Alpacas and llamas are, in fact, extremely suitable for these activities thanks to their friendly nature.

The outings will be along the enchanting paths of the Stelvio National Park. You will admire spectacular landscapes and you will have the opportunity to capture unique moments, to be treasured as a memory of your holiday with our furry friends!

To make you better acquainted with these beautiful animals, our staff will tell you many interesting facts about their world during the tour.

In June, alpaca and llama walks are available every day, by reservation, in the following shifts:

  • 10:00 – 11:00
  • 11:00 – 12:00
  • 14:00 – 15:00
  • 15:00 – 16:00

From July, the activities will be available at the following times:

  • 09.30 - 10.30
  • 10.30 - 11.30
  • 11.30 - 12.30
  • 14.30 - 15.30
  • 15.30 - 16.30
  • 16.30 - 17.30

Last but not least, alpaca and llama walks are also suitable for young children!

Trekking with Alpacas and Llamas along the paths of Alta Valtellina

Another unmissable adventure during your holiday in Valdidentro is trekking in “sweet” company, with our alpacas and llamas!

After all, alpacas are known to be curious and friendly animals, while llamas are very elegant and patient. During the trek you will walk alongside these fascinating creatures, sharing the experience with them and creating a unique bond.

The route runs along the magical paths of the Stelvio National Park, through fir forests, along streams and leading to breathtaking views. A truly exciting experience! On the way, you can stop and rest in dedicated areas, taking advantage of these breaks to socialise with your furry “companions” and take lots of photos.

Trekking activities with our alpacas will start in July and will be available every weekend at the following times:

  • every Saturday morning at 9.30 a.m. and in the afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
  • every Sunday morning at 9.30 a.m.

During the high season, the treks will also be available during the week! For more information on activities and rates of our Alpaca's Farm, please visit the page on our website.

Benefits of Alpaca and Llama Activities

Experiences with alpacas and llamas offer not only wonderful outdoor adventures, but also many benefits for body and mind. Interacting with these animals has a calming and relaxing effect, helps reduce stress and improves overall well-being.

During the activities with alpacas and llamas in Valdidentro, you will have the opportunity to discover spectacular scenery such as Val Viola, the Foscagno Pass and the Stelvio National Park. Through these enchanting routes, you will admire fabulous views, green pastures and breathe in the pure mountain air. Alpacas and llamas will add a touch of magic to the experience, making every step even more memorable!

Valdidentro offers outstanding landscapes for mountain lovers and the experiences with alpacas and llamas will allow you to establish an authentic connection with nature, enjoying the beauty of the Italian Alps in the company of fascinating animals.

If you want an unforgettable experience that combines adventure and unique emotions, we look forward to seeing you in Valdidentro for your summer holidays! We will be happy to welcome you to the Nira Mountain Resort and offer you unforgettable adventures in the company of our Alpaca's Farm!

Nira's blog

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Domenico D., Tripadvisor User
Between Bormio and Livigno

Strategic location in Valdidentro

Via Nazionale, 41 Valdidentro (SO)


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